Thursday, February 26, 2009

So I'm getting comfortable in my apartment now. Decorations-wise, it's still a work in progress (Martha stole the only hammer we own, so I'm at a standstill now), but here are preliminary pictures, to give you a little idea how I'm living now.

so, again, I have a lot of free time. Here's the layout of my apartment

The stairway leading to my apartment. Kind of scary and dark at night. Thanks for the flashlight keychain, Mom. You've saved my ankles.

The view from the front door, into the bedroom

The living room (I have big plans for this room's decor)

Books and stuff

So, in moving my couch, other volunteers found that it could be split into two parts. So now the couch top sits on the floor, and the legs are propped up on their side, covered in fabric, and splitting the otherwise oppressively large room into two. This section is the "Turkish lounge".

These are the couch legs. Lovely, right?

Ugly, uncomfortable chairs and two greats of Russian literature. This is the unused half of the living room.

The "sun porch". I'm very excited for spring out here.

Lots of windows

The view from the sun porch

My dumpster is over there, and more apartments

The kitchen

View into the kitchen from the hall.

Pots, pans, dishes...

The stove (it works surprisingly well)

My bedroom. You can't see it,but when my sleeping bag (thanks Mom!) is spread out, I think it looks like a flying squirrel

My bedroom wall

My closet/dresser. Plus, my bedroom doubles as the Jalalabad library.

Books. Lots of them.

THe view from my bedroom balcony.

My window box. I may try to actually do something with this.

The view

The toilet room. Admittingly, not the loveliest part. Don't mind the things growing around the pipes.

The shower. It's been over a week since I last had poop coming out of the drain, so that's a big improvement. It also explains the bucket in the tub.

The shower room

Also, I got the fence project from my old village finalized.

The much-hated fence

Oh, and I went to Osh last weekend. We climbed Sulayman mountain again.

Prayer flags tied to the trees

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