Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So, the past few weeks have been full of drama. I had a normal, full week of classes and everything, but it was all done in a sort of daze, since I kept being constantly updated about drama going on within Peace Corps. Though it doesn't directly effect me, it has effected some of my good friends and my confidence in my position and security here has taken a huge hit. I can't say what happened (security measures...), but needless to say, four (five actually, but one is from an unrelated incident) volunteers are leaving on Friday to go back home, because they're getting kicked out of Peace Corps. The frustrating part for me is the futility of the whole thing -- three of the four getting sent home were not at all in the wrong for anything that happened. One of them was my good friend and Oblast-mate, so it's going to be hard with him gone. He came into town yesterday to say his final goodbyes, and we saw him off this morning. The political situation here is on shaky ground, and we're all just hoping that the political problems don't mean more problems for us and our service here.
In better news, I'm on spring break here, and getting excited for a joint 3 person birthday party (Mexican dinner/"NOW... That's What I Call Music"/Enrique themed...) this weekend. So, I'm pretty much floating at the moment, but hopefully this will pass and everything should be more secure soon.

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